We Love replicas because they make us dream

Associação de Valorização e Transferência de Tecnologia Biopolis

The rehabilitation of historic buildings is a task that requires precision, dedication, and a profound respect for architectural heritage. Intergesso is proud to have contributed to the adaptation of the building complex that will house the headquarters of the Association for the Valorization and Transfer of Technology Biopolis. This project includes office and open space work areas, meeting rooms, common areas, and laboratory spaces.

Our specialized team has extensive experience in replicating century-old decorative elements, ensuring that the original beauty of the interiors of these ancient buildings is preserved. In the Biopolis project, we were responsible for accurately recreating moldings, friezes, and other plaster ornaments that were damaged or missing.

Our process involves the careful removal of molds from the original pieces, followed by the meticulous production of replicas that maintain the authenticity and charm of the historical elements. This approach allows us to restore and enhance historic buildings, respecting their essence and ensuring their beauty endures for future generations.

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