In 2017, the United Nations signed a contract to tackle oceans’ plastic waste. The latest research shows that the microplastics found in people’s bodies come from the air they breathe and not just from bottled water or fish that live in polluted water. Thanks to their microscopic size, microplastics can be inhaled and lead to a large variety of respiratory diseases, concludes the Word Economic Forum.
According to a study from 2018, by École Nationales des Ponts et Chaussées, the research shows that microplastics are found both in the air inside our buildings, and in the outside air. However, the concentration inside our homes is greater than is outside. This happens because of a fragmentation, caused by heat or light, to the plastic objects that are in all our homes.
Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that professionals such as Architects, Engineers and Interior Decorators choose natural materials, so that our homes can become a safe place free from chemicals. This way we will ultimately benefit Mother Nature.
The need to preserve nature, the awareness that natural resources are limited and that mankind’s abusive behaviour has to change, are jargons that entered our daily lives in the last decade, influenced all fields of artistic creation, from architecture to interior design.
For this reason, many brands and designers started using recyclable materials to make their pieces, and therefore reduce the industry’s negative impact.